Letrozole for men - how to take it in bodybuilding and others

Letrozole for men – how to take it in bodybuilding and others

Unfortunately, the long-term use of anabolic steroids does not only increase muscle mass and strength, but it is also a source of secondary effects. One of them is the so-called feminization, which is translated by an bilwinexpress.com augmentation of the mammary glands (gynecomastia), an augmentation of the adipose tissue with a lesion of the muscular clenbuterol for sale in usa relief, a retention of water in the body and a suppression of the sexual function.

To prevent these unpleasant and eliminating secondary effects, experts recommend the use of anti-estrogens – drugs that block the action of estrogen, a female sex hormone. Among the popular anti-estrogens found in Letrozole.

Read more about amount of letrozole you should take

Letrozole instructions

Letrozole instructions

The mechanism of action of Letrozole is linked to the blockade of aromatase – a special enzyme responsible for the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. The drug was created to treat estrogen-dependent tumors in women, but the popularization of bodybuilding has opened up new possibilities: Letrozole for male athletes is prescribed to eliminate the dangerous side effect of steroids – feminization.

Characteristics of Letrozole


  1. Prevents gynecomastia.
  2. Increases the level of biologically active substances with anabolic effect.
  3. Effective for drying through hormonal regulation of subcutaneous fat thickness.
  4. Stabilizes blood pressure.
  5. Normalizes sexual function.
  6. It can be used to eliminate feminization phenomena that have already occurred.
  7. Long half-life: can be taken every 2-3. day.
  8. Pay price.
  9. Low toxicity.

Despite the relatively low toxicity, experts strongly recommend passing a general medical examination before starting to take the drug.

Characteristics of Letrozole


  1. Not suitable for all steroids: Not effective when taken in combination with Boldenone and Halotestin.
  2. Risk of excessive estrogen suppression with associated side effects.

Side effects:

  1. Decreased muscle growth.
  2. Reduced effect.
  3. Osteoporosis.
  4. Increased risk of atherosclerosis.
  5. Bone and joint pain.
  6. Weakness, fatigue.
  7. Digestive disorders.
  8. Hair loss.
  9. Mental disorders: depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, irritability, memory disorders.

Almost all clinically significant adverse reactions occur on the basis of an incorrectly selected dose. Practice shows that it in sports gives the best results, subject to regular monitoring of estrogen levels in the blood.

Letrozole in bodybuilding: how to take it

Receipt of Letrozole in bodybuilding and not only should be started long before the moment when the level of estrogen exceeds the critical value and leads to steroid alternatives swelling, severe depression of potency, enlargement of the nipples and peripapillary zone. If such a situation has already occurred, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible: elimination of symptoms will require daily administration of the drug in a daily dose of 1 tablet. (0.0025 g).

Letrozole in bodybuilding: how to take it

Ideally, Letrozole should be used in a profiling manner: to increase testosterone and maintain its level, the drug is prescribed from day 7-10 of ciclo AAS in a single dose 1/5 tablet (0.0005 g) cada dos days. This approach reduces the risk of side effects and increases the effectiveness of exercise. Immediately after the end of the AAS course, Letrozole is not canceled – it should be taken for another 2-3 weeks. If possible, the dose of the drug should be chosen individually with a focus on estrogen levels or in extreme cases on subjective sensations and general well-being.

By knowing how to take Letrozole properly, you can achieve maximum bodybuilding results and maintain your health.

Unfortunately, the long-term use of anabolic steroids does not only increase muscle mass and strength, but it is also a source of secondary effects. One of them is the so-called feminization, which is translated by an bilwinexpress.com augmentation of the mammary glands (gynecomastia), an augmentation of the adipose tissue with a lesion of the muscular…