Clomid as a way to restore testosterone

Clomid as a way to restore testosterone

Almost all athletes involved in power sports resort to the use of steroids. However, the rapid formation of muscle trenbolone buy uk mass has its consequences and a price in the form of a decrease in the testosterone produced. To restore the body, especially the hormonal background, you need to resort to complex measures. The fastest way to restore testosterone is to take anti-estrogens, including Clomid.

Mechanism of action of Clomid

Clomid is a synthetic product, first discovered in 1960 and quickly approved and brought to market. The direct purpose of Clomid is the treatment of infertility in women by stimulating the ovulation process, the treatment of oligospermia in men.

Among athletes involved in strength sports, bodybuilding and weightlifting, this drug is especially popular because it is considered to be the most effective and above all the safest way to recover testosterone after a course of steroids and anabolics.

Mechanism of action of Clomid

The restoration of testosterone is achieved due to the fact that Clomid affects the production of the hormones LH and FSH. These substances begin to increase rapidly in concentration, accompanied by an increase in testosterone levels.

This action is achieved due to the fact that the hormones LH (luteinizing) and FSH (follicle stimulator) act on the testicles and activate the process of producing sperm and a sufficient amount of male hormone.

The level of hormones, including testosterone, will increase rapidly. At the end of the Clomid course, the content of substances will return to normal and reach the levels that were before the use of anabolic steroids.

Features of the use of Clomid

The dosage of the drug is chosen individually for each athlete, depending on the duration of administration and the amount of steroids taken. Experts recommend using the following diets:

  1. Very strong steroid course: 3 days with 150 mg, 12 days with 100 mg, 15 days with 50 mg and the following 15 days with 25 mg.
  2. Heavy treatment: 15 days at 100 mg, 15 days at 25 mg.
  3. The average severity of the course: 1 month at 50 mg and 15 days at 25 mg.
  4. Easy course – 15 days at 50 mg, 15 days at 25 mg, 15 days at 25 mg (during the last 2 weeks, the intake is performed once in 2 days).
  5. Very easy cure: 15 days at 50 mg, 15 days at 25 mg.
Features of the use of Clomid

It is strictly forbidden to exceed the stated dose, as confirmed by reviews from athletes. To achieve and maintain a good result, Clomid should not be stopped, even if a positive effect is observed after the intermediate course.

Clomid tablets should only be taken after the main meal, rinsed down with plenty of water.

Possible side effects

Clomid has minimal toxicity, it is easily tolerated by the body, so the likelihood of side effects is minimal, but still not ruled out. There is a risk of prolonged headache, nausea, abdominal pain, insomnia and rarely vomiting.

Possible side effects

The development of allergic manifestations on the skin is not excluded. As a rule, adverse reactions go away on their own a few days after stopping Clomid. Treatment of side effects is not necessary.

The benefit of using Clomid is that it not only helps to quickly restore testosterone levels but also keep them at the level reached, and it is also characterized by minimal risks of side effects and the absence of effects that are toxic to the body.

Almost all athletes involved in power sports resort to the use of steroids. However, the rapid formation of muscle trenbolone buy uk mass has its consequences and a price in the form of a decrease in the testosterone produced. To restore the body, especially the hormonal background, you need to resort to complex measures. The…